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Design and Death

Design and Death

Why is it that people think big changes should happen in the summer like we aren't paying attention? This seems to happen all the time. One reason is if you need to make major life changes and you have kids there isn't a better time. For the rest of us, I'm assuming, we think people are too busy blissing out when they are really working as hard as possible to afford that dream vacation. 

Inspired by Man Repeller and the general disarray of summer I've decided to make some new designs and see if anyone wants to buy them. I'm not into mindless consumption but would like to see if anyone will take a nibble from the vast ocean of society6 and buy a random phone case or mini art from me.

Society6 is the go to for pretty and creative print on demand work and I've been tempted many times to buy a phone case. Something held me back and it was my inner voice declaring I would rather own something designed by me than someone else. Just a year ago I never would have imagined I would be creating design and art anyone else would be interested in. Today I'm confident that even if I'm the only one that buys some mini art prints to deck out my boring office space in good vibes it will be worth it.

Check out my society6 page and see if you like any of the designs. Slowly, but surely, I will be uploading my favorites from the website and elsewhere so if you don't see anything you love yet just wait until the end of summer.

Back to Man Repeller, I was inspired by a recent article written by Haley where reminding yourself of imminent and eventual doom helps keep most low key anxieties at bay. So you’re going to be late. We’re all gonna die. One of the easiest ways to put life into perspective. This also reminded me of one of my favorite, low key educational Instagram accounts by Ariel Stallings which features a ‘We're all gonna die’ banner prominently in her Seattle home. While this wouldn't be comforting to my younger self, I haven't done anything yet!, with perspective it is calming. This article and its musings merged with my society6 design plans and led me to create my own version of this sentiment.


None of my designs felt right to adorn my desk, not because I don't like them, but because I need it to be soothing and not overly conceptual. The combination of a soothing image crafted with a secretly soothing sentiment seemed perfect for my design. I haven't posted it yet because I need to buy the font, trying not to short change artists!, so I can buy it from myself and others who like it with a clear conscious. 

Happy Summer Solstice!

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