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How to Avoid the After Christmas Shopping Frenzy

How to Avoid the After Christmas Shopping Frenzy

Tis the season to shop before, during and after Christmas. Before Santa arrives the deals seem pretty good but get even better for those with patience. After Christmas into January is when the real deals and sales can be found with stores clearing out their winter inventory. Trying to be a mindful consumer, oxymoron, led me to forgo these enticing sales for several reasons this year.

I don't really need anything. Really.

We always want more things but do you need them? Will they actually bring fulfillment to your life? If yes- go for it. For me I have all the basics covered in my wardrobe plus shoes and sparkly accessories to keep me from getting bored. Do I really need more striped shirts even though I love them and will always want more of them? No.

I just cleaned out my closet. Literally.

True but also a little lie. I culled items from my wardrobe months ago and finally went the extra mile to send some to thredUp, you're welcome to those lucky shoppers, while the rest got donated. I don't have a gaping hole in my closet. Far from it. I could probably cut more if I wanted. I don't want to start the cycle all over again by packing my closet and then getting rid of things again.

A good in theory practice I've heard of is any time you buy something you have to get rid of something. I usually go through my closet trimming twice a year when I put away sweaters and get out tank tops. I see what I've worn and what I haven't. Was there a reason I didn't wear that i.e. special occasion dress or something similar? Otherwise I usually toss it unless I can repair it or re-purpose.

I still remember what happened last year.

So dramatic. Basically I ordered a bunch of stuff and didn't wear at least half of it. Boo. I still peruse the sale sections of several brands when they spam my inbox. Some are total misses. For others I did the classic cart abandonment technique. If I don't remember or care about these items they will disappear from my mind and never enter my closet.

It's also refreshing to hear other people's techniques when it comes to shopping mindfully. Doree, from Forever 35, talked about how for Black Friday she resisted the urge to buy just to buy. If the item wasn't something she wanted for full price why would she want it on sale? This helped guide me away from the checkout screen more than once.

I'm still not immune to a good sale. I'm only human.

The allure of a good sale is sometimes worth it. I will use Reformation to make my case. They have two sales a year, I think. Depending on what you want they are a great way to pick up items with a healthy discount. The first day of the sale, I combed their offerings and found a few things I might purchase. Some sold out, no regrets, and some the price wasn't quite low enough. So I waited a few days.

The Reformation sale technique is they offer a pretty good deal at first, 40%, and after a few days make the discount bigger. Usually up to 70% if you have the patience. Sometimes it won't apply to everything marked down but if the items you want aren't the most popular, hello me, they should still be there when the discounts get deeper in a few days. That's how I picked up a tank and skirt set and shoes all for under $100. The free shipping helps too.

I disdain blanket advice but if you would like some for reevaluating your shopping habits and being a more mindful consumer:

Get an item if you need it for the current season or weather like boots or a coat. Take advantage of sales on these items going into January and February.

If it's a want instead of need make sure it fits into your closet, literally and figuratively, with what you own and isn't just a copy of something else. Unless you want duplicates. You do you uniform devotees.

Don't go broke or into debt buying clothes or accessories. Almost no one else will notice, sad but true, unless you are working in fashion. You will want that money in the future for something else frivolous or not.

Let your heart and finances guide you. If you want to buy something cheap and fun- go for it! If you don't want those expensive pants you’ve been saving for- don't buy them! Changing your mind is totally acceptable especially when saving some change.

Beyond staying away from hoarding tendencies everyone's shopping experiences and habits are different. Pay attention to any bad habits and what triggers them. Are you shopping when bored? Try learning something new. Are you comparing yourself with someone else and shop to feel good again or to compete with them? Comparison is the thief of joy. Keep away from the negative and soul sucking energy.

From personal experience: Don't buy anything on final sale if you aren't sure about fit, color or sizing unless you are willing to take that loss. My limit for final sale items hovers around $20.

Don't worry. Nobody is perfect.

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