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Reflections on a Decade

Reflections on a Decade

What were you doing a decade ago? Would your current state impress your past self or shaking their head slowly? I know my past self would be excited I achieved some things even if they weren’t as easy or covetous as I previously thought. Here are ten things I learned or accomplished this past decade.

Graduating from College

It’s slightly embarrassing how many times while job hunting I had to put my biggest accomplishment down as graduating from college. But it is a big deal even if the market is saturated with new graduates each winter and summer.

Finding my Voice Again

Without going into too many details, I lost myself in a relationship in my teens and early twenties and was unable to veer even slightly from the path established as a teen. When it ended abruptly I was shocked, saddened but also reborn. I didn’t have to suppress my intellectual desires or hobbies which threatened this person. Obviously they didn’t want me to be smarter than them. But I already was.

Meditation and Yoga

I felt so dumb the first time attempting yoga. I wasn’t super flexible and it wasn’t that relaxing since I didn’t know the poses. Without realizing it I already was meditating occasionally but pairing the two together made an even bigger impact. While I appreciate a good high energy workout I can’t and don’t want to do those daily. As a daily practice yoga is easier for me to maintain and gives me calm energy instead of feeling depleted at the end of the day.

Embracing Imperfection

As a recovering perfectionist this is a hard one. I used to think if everything was perfect, if I was perfect, everything would fall into place. Not true for me or anyone. So slowly, very slowly, I realized taking mindful risks and making mistakes don’t kill you. They make you human. Mistakes are not bad. It means we are learning and growing. This seems so obvious in hindsight but it was really enlightening for me.

Having Full Time Employment

This preoccupied me more than any other achievable goal because in order to accomplish almost anything as an adult you need money. I was very stressed and anxious for a few years when no one would hire me with a measly Bachelor’s degree. But with some new coping strategies listed above I made it through.

Buying a House

This is a big one. Logically, even before the recession and other events caused economic scrutiny and uncertainty, I wanted to buy a house for the simple reason that renting seemed like a waste of money. Depending on the market where you live it may be or could be the only option available even if not affordable. I lucked out by saving a ton, not accruing debts and having a great credit score. It was an accomplishment but didn’t feel like a big deal until I was standing inside my house able to do whatever I wanted inside.

Getting Married

Also a big deal but the biggest change outside of relationship and legal status was all interior. I felt different and few things in life make you change perspective or feel different in a profound way.

Writing All the Time

This one is slightly more recent but no less profound. A common thread in my life is using writing as a way to learn, cope and move on from problems and preoccupations. It makes me feel better and experience the world in a new way. The more I write the better my day goes so I’ve instituted a daily writing practice. It is mainly for me but getting published somewhere would be a nice perk too.

Relearning Photoshop

This was more about finding another creative outlet then becoming a graphic design master. Feel free to search Photoshop in the search bar if you would like to read more about my graphic design journey. I’ve learned a lot but I’m definitely still a student.

Getting my First Tattoo

My tattoo proves that some things are worth the wait. Here’s more in depth writing about my tattoo journey.

I can’t wait to see what new things and adventures await in the next year and decade. Happy 2020!

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