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Learning from Roxane Gay

Learning from Roxane Gay

I am to learning what most people are to Netflix. They can’t stop until their brain has turned to mush or for me pulsing with knowledge. I’m a perpetual learner. I used to be wrapped up in the idea of learning being confined to the classroom. In the real world, outside of academia, it isn’t. Otherwise I wouldn’t be branching out into unknown regions of creativity unsanctioned by someone at a university telling me how it was done. One of many tools I use for learning is SkillShare which keeps adding new courses all the time and along with new concepts I want to learn, keeps evolving.

To any casual readers of the blog, my affinity for Roxane Gay is clear. Evidence through several posts and consuming all her most recent books including the short story collection she edited for 2018. So when I saw she would be teaching, virtually, a class on one of my favorite platforms, SkillShare, I signed up. Even though I’m not proficient in her specific type of writing, creative non fiction essays, I couldn’t pass up the chance to learn from a master. Roxane’s voice soothes me but she asks for more of us in return beyond passive listening. We are given tasks and special insights that her other students have received. Some of the best advice is sometimes concepts you aren’t sure how to articulate until someone else states them clearly. Below are the three that stuck out to me.

Look inward and outward.

This is a concept I’ve struggled with any type of writing. I’ve seen different writers who handled this balance well and others who are too heavy handed on either side. After Roxane stated this concept I realized this is one of the reasons I connect with her writing so easily. It isn’t all interior, gooey with feelings and emotions and isn’t cold and clinical with facts and figures that bore without context. This balance is important. If done right you won’t even notice unless analyzing the writing later. Another writer who is skillful in this balance is Leslie Jamison. I finished The Recovering earlier this year and am currently making my way through The Empathy Exams which has been in my need to read pile for what feels like years.

Learn by reading and dissecting good writing.

Branching out from the usual classroom curriculum was a contributing reason for my self guided learning journey stalling out before it started. Where did I start? With so many choices and books I was paralyzed with indecision. The concept of reading and dissecting writing makes sense but is rarely espoused to all the writers wanting to continue learning and growing outside of college. You need to read and write as much as possible. I used to bemoan not having enough time for reading and writing on a daily basis. When I whittled away some time wasting hobbies after work, YouTube videos, I found more time. Every day when I read or write for even 10 minutes I feel accomplished.

Rejection is part of the writing process.

As of today, I haven’t been published anywhere online or in print beyond this blog and an ebook I edited. This used to be a big hurdle for me. I built myself up internally as a prolific and magnificent writer. These little rejections started chipping away at my confidence and I stopped submitting for awhile. It is refreshing to hear from someone I consider a great writer how they have been rejected just as many times as me, possibly more if submitting more. Rejections don’t bother me much anymore. I know someone will appreciate my writing and point of view eventually. Until that day comes I will keep writing.

Ready to dive in?

Learning with Roxane Gay on SkillShare ready to dive in.png

If you are inspired to learn from Roxane Gay or hundreds of other teachers you can try out SkillShare for free for two months and start a new learning journey. A welcome distraction from the holidays if you need one. :)

The Price of Everything

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Me and Eileen

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