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Last Minute Mother's Day Gifts from BoxFox and Omoi Zakka Shop

Last Minute Mother's Day Gifts from BoxFox and Omoi Zakka Shop

To celebrate all the mothers in our lives, I found two great resources for last minute gifts that haven't been done to death, BoxFox and Omoi Zakka Shop. Mom's are everything you want in a person wrapped up in a neat little bow if you are lucky; a confidant, knowledgeable resource and still so human. After leaving those pesky teenage years behind in the rear view of life, I've come to appreciate my Mom more as each day passes. We get along much better today and are more similar than ever before.


Mother's Day has become a holiday of either way too much fuss and spending or not nearly enough for those women that do everything and more for us. I'm letting you in on my two resources I used this year, BoxFox and Omoi Zakka Shop, to make Mother's Day easy and meaningful for all the Mom's out there. I won't be revealing the specific gifts just in case either of my recipients happen to sneak a peek at the blog.


BoxFox box in the wild

BoxFox box in the wild


BoxFox is awesome for tons of reasons. They can be send for almost any occasion with pre curated boxes for Mother's Day to Bridal showers or you can customize your own box. I chose the latter because I know what my Mom likes. Once you pick out your gifts from their well stocked and intuitive website, they package it all up in a beautiful box with a card. If you are like me, a reformed procrastinator, and plan ahead for every occasion you can order weeks ahead of time and have them ship it out to arrive in time for Mother's Day. I'm not sure why no one thought of this before. Basically these guys are geniuses.


BoxFox with Rifle Paper Co Card

BoxFox with Rifle Paper Co Card


For my Mother in law, I decided to take the reins this year in the Mother's Day gift giving. It's not that my husband doesn't try; he just tries too hard and stresses out too much. This is how the cycle starts. First, he waits until the last minute which exacerbates everything times a million. He knows what his Mom likes but can't make a decision and wants to weigh all his options before purchasing. Now he is down to the wire and picks any old random thing, shoves it in a box and it usually arrives a day or two late. This year I sent him a bunch of options a couple of weeks ahead of time so we could order and repackage them leisurely without the usual cycle of panicking and last minute shopping.


Omoi Zakka Shop Package

Omoi Zakka Shop Package


I discovered this shop last year from my random internet prowling. It has the type of unique and intriguing gifts you would need to sacrifice hours to find on your own throughout the interwebs. If you have a cat lover in your life this is the place for any number of cat related gifts. Omoi Zakka Shop seems more like a cute Etsy store compared to Uncommon Goods which I've also used for Mother's Day gifts before. It all depends on the woman you are shopping for. 


So for all you procrastinators out there that don't want to send flowers or berries check out these two options and thank me later. You might still have time for these gifts to make it by Sunday so don't wait.

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