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Make Blot Pot Is My New Favorite Blush

Make Blot Pot Is My New Favorite Blush

Some beauty products are easy to discover and keep. Once something works for me I rarely stray even with all the new products coming out daily, sometimes hourly, trying to grab my attention and dollars. After wearing heavy black eyeliner in high school, on the lower lashline only, with mascara I’ve mellowed out my daily make up routine to be more low key. It only takes about 5 to 10 minutes and is fairly minimal, tinted moisturizer, concealer and eye brow powder. The only fickle piece of my routine is blush.

I love a good blush; a hint of color so my pale face doesn’t look washed out. While blush is everywhere I’ve been on the hunt for one that doesn’t freak out my skin or give me the dreaded dry patches on my cheeks. My skin is sensitive and easily clogged, the perfect combination for skin mishaps when trying the wrong products with irritating ingredients.

My go to used to be a L’Oreal blush with a built in brush and mirror from the drugstore but I got bored with that after high school. Next I was gifted a bare minerals blush which had a nice pigment and shimmer that sparkled in even the lowest light. I was so excited to try it and wore it daily. This happy relationship shattered when I realized one ingredient in this blush was responsible for my persistently dry, cracked cheeks. So I resumed the hunt.

For the first time I started researching different kinds of blush and was lost in a sea of choices. I got a trial size of Benetint and Posie tint for my wedding make up. For a make up novice, definitely not professional, my wedding make up looked pretty good. The secret was Benetint with the bare minerals on top. After a few weeks my skin will tell me if a product is meant to be or not. Unfortunately for Benetint daily use was out even though I loved the color.

I was getting antsy now. Was there any blush I could put on my face that my skin would like? Ever? I was ready to give up. I tried wearing very small amounts of lipstick as blush but that didn’t work long term either. Finally in an act of sheer desperation, I bought the blot pot and dew pot from Make and hoped for the best. I’d heard about this brand through the beauty grapevine and it seemed most people liked their products.


The top and bottom pictures I have Make blot pot on both cheeks. In the middle I’m showing off how pigmented this is straight out of the pot. I also haven’t put on the blush yet in the middle photo. This is a very subtle look.

I’m happy to say Make blot pot lived up to the hype and more. It doesn’t take much to give me a nice flush of color to last all day. I was a bit skeptical of the color but it blends out nicely and complements my skin tone. Another reason I like it is versatility. I use this on my lips or eyes, if I’m feeling daring, for a monochromatic look. It is almost the same color as my lips so the effect is very subtle. This product works really well if you like minimal and natural looking make up.

I never thought I was a highlighter girl but the glow pot gives me the right amount of shimmer. This is a subtle make up look but works well for me day to day. It looks like shimmery pink lip balm in the pot, which I’ve used on my lips, but applies clear. I also like that these products come in pots because they are easy to carry around and find in my bag. If you are looking for a non irritating, subtle blush or highlighter Make is making the best at least for my skin.

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