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More or Less: Not Really Resolutions

More or Less: Not Really Resolutions

In years past the types of resolutions I made would change but keep with the same themes. I wanted to learn, create and make more money. All goals I could make at any other time during the year but made more palpable because it is a new year, a fresh start where anything can happen. I'm not against reinvention or changing your mind but I am opposed to shedding off your past year self like a dry husk of a cocoon so a new person emerges. You don't need to become a new person every year. Keep moving through your changes and experiences. That was a round about way of saying I took this idea lovingly from Cup of Jo. It is a way to do goal setting, resolutions, intentions or whatever you want to call them in a new way.

More or less

More or less

Most of these items are a bit more obscure than others but I've shifted my habits to accommodate them into my life more frequently. Social media is fun but after one scroll too many I have a headache, my eyes are crossed and feel like I haven't accomplished anything by comparison or through wasting time. My habit of keeping one Instagram scroll a day helped keep my sanity in check.

When this platform first came out I would scroll multiple times a day. This was because of the novelty and I was un/underemployed depending on the year. I would always leave feeling inadequate and not sure why. Beyond the obvious comparison is the thief of joy I was jealous of their photography skills more than anything. This was before influencers and full body shots in exotic locations.

Here are a few things I've added to the self care chest over the holiday break

Derry Girls and Dark on Netflix

Derry Girls is about hilarious Irish teens with one unlucky Brit and their antics in the 90's. If that doesn't intrigue you, I'm sorry. Dark is a German show that is, pretty dark. Overarching themes are time travel, trauma and family drama. I've heard this is a “darker” version of Stranger Things but besides one of the time lines being in the 80's it isn't too similar to me. Also some kids go in a forest and bad things happen. No literal monsters yet.

Boy Smells Candles

I'm starting to transform into that person who actually lights all the candles she’s accumulated in her life. I'm starting with the newest ones; the votive set of Boy Smells candles, mostly because of the name and the aesthetic. Most of these candles are not overly floral or perfume-y which my nose hates. We need complex scents that don’t scream super femme.

What I wasn't prepared for was my favorite candle, Kush, to smell so good. It also doesn't smell like pot at all. Soon I will burn through this baby candle and buy the full size for all my calming scent needs. I have the votive set of Kush, Ash and Cedar stack and they are perfect for me. I can move them around the house and they are fragrant enough to slightly perfume whichever room I'm in.

New Year New Podcasts

New Year New Podcasts

The Many Faces of Desire

The Many Faces of Desire