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Four Halloween Costumes Already in Your Closet

Four Halloween Costumes Already in Your Closet

Four easy Halloween costumes hiding in your closet for last minute DIY costumes this weekend. Halloween is less than a week away so for all you costume procrastinators, myself included, here are 4 costumes you can pull together with the least amount of effort aka they are probably already in your closet.


Optional accessory- Blow torch

Optional accessory- Blow torch

90's Grunge Girl: Choker + Flannel + Converse + Attitude for days


This is the perfect way to bring all those 90's trends having a resurgence or still lurking in your closet and put them into one outfit. No one is allowed to scoff at your 90's outfit because it's Halloween! You can style this to the fashions you loved the most from the 90's. I will personally go with the grunge or heavy metal vibe. You could also call this going as my high school self for Halloween. I would only wear Converse with everything including dresses and skirts. I was single handedly trying to bring back 90's grunge and alas it didn't work.


Look out for the big bad wolf

Look out for the big bad wolf

Little Red Riding Hood(ie): Giant red hoodie


This is kind of lazy genius. Add a basket if you want to look more legit or have someone hairy lurking behind you the whole night. This is the only time a hairy stalker will complete a Halloween look. Also you can stick a stuffed wolf in your basket. You will also be super comfortable and not look that weird if you worry about those types of things ( I don't!). I stole this hoodie from my husband which is why it is so deliciously oversized. Feel free to rock your hoodie as a dress if it's long enough.


You don't read standing up while looking delightfully bored?!?

You don't read standing up while looking delightfully bored?!?

Preppy Equestrian Bookworm from the 60s - 70s: Plaid + Turtleneck + Riding boots + Bookworm accessory: Fake glasses or Book


This costume is super niche take on my go to fall look, pretend equestrian, so mix and match with your own pieces to make it your own. I axed the fake glasses and went with a book but you can do one or both. I mostly created this costume because I wanted an excuse to wear this plaid dress I got from Topshop. Wear with tights or leggings if you don't want people to think you are going for the naughty school girl vibe. Maybe a hint of Nancy Drew too. Bring a magnifying glass.


Fire and sledge hammer optional. Spooky ambiance is essential.

Fire and sledge hammer optional. Spooky ambiance is essential.

Goth in the Country or Witch: All black everything. Bonus points for black cats


This one is easy to pull off if you have at least 3 black pieces in your closet. I'm wearing a black dress, boots and knee high socks. I'm cheating here a little bit because I came up with this outfit months ago for Goth in the Country but I could still put it together now. Add dark lipstick and tons of eyeliner. Wielding an attitude and a sledgehammer is not necessary but highly valuable for maximum creepiness. For more goth girl inspiration my Goth in the Country post highlights how to wear all black but still look hot. Happy Halloween!

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A Year Ago Today Plus A Day

Currently Reading: Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado

Currently Reading: Her Body and Other Parties by Carmen Maria Machado