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To Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Women and Survivors Everywhere

To Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, Women and Survivors Everywhere

Silence is betrayal.

- Martin Luther King Jr.

I hope you don't think

your words

actions and descriptions

fell on deaf ears

every woman in America heard them

whether they soaked them in

saw themselves reflected back

or rejected them

because it is easier to side with

oppressors who control everything

especially their lives

You created a moment

a rift in history

we can't come back from

only a before and after

what comes after is up to us

what we choose

will make history

inaction or reaction

the divide will define us

what comes after the silence of betrayal

is a roar

You gave us the gift of a

voice through your own

I hope we will all stand up

and be heard

because silence is now intolerable

Three Things Keeping Me Sane

Three Things Keeping Me Sane

Nostalgia Outfits

Nostalgia Outfits