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Summer is Torture for Type A's

Summer is Torture for Type A's

I enjoy summer at least in theory. In the middle of winter when I'm tired of wearing pants every day and my lips are chapped and peeling it's the only thing I crave. Then upon its arrival at the end of May with 90 degree temperatures continuously rising until September or October summer stretches out infinitely before me.


Besides the high temperatures and fashion fluctuations, wear as little as possible without getting in trouble, summer is prime time for freedom and laziness. Which might be why I didn't love it. I enjoyed the structure and learning in school even if most of the subjects were boring. I felt like a nerd and was afraid to admit it. I didn't think anyone would believe me either. Who else misses school? Nerds.


Before I had to work in the summer, the main reason not to grow up, summer break seemed so great for the first couple of weeks but quickly grew monotonous. I watched TV, read, went outside, quickly ran inside, bemoaned my boring existence and repeated incessantly. I didn't realize this at the time, limited self awareness, but I can only deal with so many days with no plans or structure before my brain starts to freak out. To combat this I establish my own routines and blow through all the summer reading in a couple of weeks. I lay outside in the futile attempt to will a tan onto my freckled and easily sunburned skin.


I got stung once by a bee and didn't notice. I was laying face down and had headphones blasting in my ears. My giant black 30 GB iPod, which I still have, was blazing hot and somehow withstood the molten concrete below it. The sting didn't rouse me but the buzzing did. I still don't know what caused this unprovoked attack since I was stationary. My shoulder blade started to burn, hotter than the sun could make it, so I gave up on my tanning and went inside. Then it started to sting and throb so I looked in the mirror to assess the damage and freak out because it was swelling. It didn't hurt much but I decided to stay inside to thwart further attacks for the day.


After I'd exhausted all other options I would find engrossing projects to make the time fly. These usually involved writing, reading or manipulating clothes aka DIY or die. Other days I watched rerun marathons that ate up chunks of my day and left my brain buzzing like a cicada with vertigo.


Uber tan legs in Colorado with Mom and sis

Uber tan legs in Colorado with Mom and sis


These were the years before summer jobs. The boredom eventually shifted from being at home to being at work in sometimes hectic but still unstimulating environments. Another obvious advantage was the money. I started making so much, at the time, I didn't know what to do with it. Most of it got stuffed away in my savings. Occasionally I bought clothes online but that was my biggest spending vice.


Another upside for me was at my first job, as a lifeguard, I was finally going to get that elusive tan I'd coveted my whole life. Unfortunately since my skin tone is on the lighter side my tan looked more orange and fake then what I envisioned. I realized it wasn't worth the effort to get tan for me since it took the whole summer and didn't look that great on me. Since we wore one piece swimsuits on the job my stomach and back were super white with tan arms and legs. Not a good look in a bikini.


The nights were a welcome respite from the heat but another menace lurked in the dark. Mosquitoes. I have either the blood or smell they flock to so I can't go outside after dusk without heavy duty mosquito repellent. I've tried, even for a few minutes, and it always ends in disaster. My skin is sensitive so any bites swell up to giant pink welts that look like someone has been pinching me. Now that I don't get the luxury of endless summer's off anymore I do miss them. But not too much. That's what vacations are for.

My Summer Essentials: High Waist Midi Skirt

My Summer Essentials: High Waist Midi Skirt

Reformation Redux: Floral Maxi Dress

Reformation Redux: Floral Maxi Dress