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Yoga in the Morning

Yoga in the Morning

It started on Saturday. With a full day of whatever I wanted to do in front of me I was paralyzed by choice. This usually happens to me when I don't have a weekend chocked full of plans. I decided instead of letting my brain spin out of control this morning I should just refocus. So I decided to do yoga.


I'm not an expert or yogi in any sense of the word. I have been practicing yoga on and off for a couple years so I know it's beneficial for me if I can find time to do it. I've found it really helps to unwind and relax after a stressful day. After starting two mornings with yoga on the weekend I was curious if I could inject some into my weekday mornings. Easier said than done.


This is a bit of a challenge but I've tried to do at least a few poses from the below list, mostly stretching out my back and legs, to see if this gives me a better start to my day. Spoiler alert- it does! Every day I try to add a little more.Every time I restart my yoga practice I kick myself for not keeping up with it on a daily basis. It's not like I don't have time. I just feel so rushed with a million things to do. But every time I've started going through the routines and poses I always feel better coming out the other side.


My selection of morning routine poses:


Standing Forward Fold- great stretch for the spine and legs.

Standing Tree- great for achieving balance. I know my mind is not focused or lacking concentration when I can't stay balanced in this pose.

Cat & Cow Pose- this is a great way to stretch out your spine and shoulders which I usually have to crack in the morning.

Downward Dog- I can always tell if I haven't done a lot of yoga because the flexibility in this pose suffers.

Child's Pose- the easiest (i.e. laziest) way to open up the spine.

Lying Twist Pose- another great way to stretch your spine and awaken your core.

Happy Baby- a different but still effective way to stretch your legs.

Cross Legged- like criss cross applesauce in school but not.


Feel free to mix it up or look up some of these poses if you don't know what they are. I had to look up the official names. Otherwise I would be describing them as "looking like a flamingo with your hands together". I've only kept up this routine for a couple of days but for me it has made a difference.


After I've completed my practice in the morning I already feel awake before coffee which seems impossible. I still drink coffee but I feel less like a zombie beforehand.


Usually I get aggravated by traffic and other drivers but after I started yoga in the morning it's easier for me to brush off annoying driver behavior. It also helps me focus at the beginning of the day. I usually feel my most productive in the morning so I'm able to get more done. Anything to start the morning as a relaxing adventure instead of a manic scramble is good by me.

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