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More Creating, Less Consuming

More Creating, Less Consuming

Lately I've felt more inspired and started creating at least one new project a day. Usually these involve photo editing, graphic design or writing and range from easy to ridiculously complicated. What's changed? At first glance not much. When I analyze further the combination of joining a group where creation is at the foundation and creating something daily inspires me to create more. This makes me feel whole and balanced. While creating more I've started consuming less.


When my self imposed shopping sabbatical earlier this year end I thought I would binge to compensate. I didn't, at least not in the same capacity as before, because the extra head space unoccupied by coveting, justifying and ranking clothes in terms of when I was allowed to buy them was gone. I thought to keep myself from shopping too much again I would need to impose a budget but since my thinking about clothes and consumption changed in the process I didn't need to set limitations anymore. I still shop occasionally but don't feel the persistent dread when delaying or forgetting to purchase something desirable. After increasing my creative output my consuming impulses, mainly for clothes and shopping, dropped even more.


More Creating Less Consuming Create more consume less.png


This doesn't include the consumption of images, words and content that serves as inspiration, creative fuel and vitality. It does mean consuming mindless content or content that makes you feel inferior by comparison. What these sources of content are for you is subjective. I won't blame the many apps made for social media and constant stimulation. You can choose to not participate. You can tailor your experience on each of these platforms to suit your own needs. Follow those you admire that inspire you and strengthen your drive. Consume content that doesn't leave your brain feeling like a blank void, woozy and sick. For me, this includes books and magazines, usually not digital, where it is easier to admire words, pictures and photos without ads jostling for your attention.


Don't worry about producing something magical, mind blowing and magnificent daily. Some days will provide more than others. You might need to consume more creative fuel from your preferred outlets. The important action is doing something or at least trying. Some days a line will feel profound while you will need to stop writing even though the words keep coming swiftly because you need to sleep. The world of graphic design felt so out of reach for me just a few months ago. Now I'm confident that I can make anything I imagine or see with enough time, patience and tutorials.


This mantra, create more consume less, is a good one for anyone in need of a creative escape or a task that isn't completely mindless. We, mostly, all live lives where consumption is necessary on many levels but I would urge you to temper the desire for mindless consumption. Using my creative side during the week instead of saving it all up for the weekends made even more ideas and inspiration hit me over the head. This is a suggestion not a commandment. I'm not into saying or believing: Just do this one thing and everything will be better! Try it out. What's the worst that could happen?

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