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DIY Reformation Two Piece Outfits

DIY Reformation Two Piece Outfits

When summer and scorching temperatures roll around my heart and wallet flock to Reformation for skin baring and breezy outfits. Besides their clothes the photo shoots transport you to a sun drenched and relaxing place even if you are staring at them through an office computer. Reformation has every kind of outfit you could want when the temperatures heat up from warm to scalding. Occasionally they have modest offerings but those mostly go out the window after May.


Most Reformation dresses aren't office friendly, you need an extra layer on top at the very least, but are fun, cute and sustainably made. I've slowly moved away from purchasing one off outfits or clothes that are only worn once during the season and never again. For me, versatility is still king and I need to be able to rock pieces at work and on the weekend with ease. This is why one of my better choices last year, a button up gingham midi skirt, has paid off for my present and future self.


A signature Reformation look is the two piece outfit, usually in a matching pattern, featuring fun prints, some amount of midriff baring and assumes you are the same size on the top and bottom. This has never been true for me so instead of lamenting and torturing myself for my body, because it is pretty kick ass, I decided to make my own dupes for two piece outfits inspired by this classic Reformation staple.


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A piece Apart crop top + Reformation midi skirt


I had many outfits in mind for this crop top and it pairs perfectly with my Reformation skirt. It sounds strange to say a crop top will be versatile but for this one it is. This is the quintessential summer outfit I dreamed up but couldn't put together until the crop top joined the party. Even though I like my mid section I don't want to show it off completely outside of swimming most days. This is why pairing a crop top with a higher rise bottom is a great summer outfit combination that is universally flattering while keeping you cool.


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Checkered Bikini top + ASOS black Skirt + Colorful hoops


This outfit proves you don't have to shop at Reformation if you don't want to and achieve the same look. Ingenuity is your friend when it comes to outfit creation from inside your closet. Did you know that any two piece swim suit tops are secretly crop tops? Surprise! If you want to show off more skin or heading to your nearest body of water for a dip, pair a bikini top with high waist bottoms for a look that can go to the pool or summer concerts.


If I was feeling feisty on a Friday, or Monday, I would wear this outfit with a button up on top to let just a peek of the swim top show through. I enjoy stretching the office dress code to the limit. As you can see I'm partial to full, flowy skirts with tighter tops but you can switch up the proportions as you like and prefer. For Reformation pieces everything usually skews tight so if you are a traditionalist keep it on the slimmer side.


Happy Friday the 13th! Stay lucky!

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