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My New Skincare Secret Ingredient From The Ordinary

My New Skincare Secret Ingredient From The Ordinary

My The Ordinary obsession started with some simple browsing after hearing and seeing them everywhere on lists espousing the most affordable skincare finds. Even though it seemed too good to be true, affordable and high quality?, I ventured to their website to browse. While their selection is overwhelming, even if you stick to The Ordinary section only, I had a few products in mind cultivated from the multitudes of online shopping lists.


Like anyone who has eyes and an internet connection, I've seen multiple oils exalted for their plethora of benefits. I decided to narrow down my initial oil purchase to three that I'd heard of before and had the highest reviews on The Ordinary website. I started with Squalane, Marula and Rose hip seed oil. I easily found uses for the first two, squalane on the face and marula on the body, but wasn't sure what to use the Rose hip seed oil for.


I've tried using a few different products to reduce the appearance and hopefully vanquish completely the Keratosis pilaris lurking on the backs of my arms. Coconut oil during the winter and BHA exfoliant in the summer was my normal routine which improved the texture a bit but the residual redness was still present. Between the two, I used to think I cared more about the bumps instead of the redness but I've realized you can't really see the bumps just the redness surrounding them.


The Ordinary Rose Hip Seed Oil is my new secret skincare ingredient to fight keratosis pilaris kp organic cold pressed.JPG


After receiving my first The Ordinary haul, I would layer a BHA exfoliant with Rose hip seed oil on top. This didn't seem to do much so I stopped using the Rose hip seed oil while continuing with the BHA. After re-evaluating my skincare routine and cutting down on my exfoliation frequency, I decided to try moisturizing my KP instead of exfoliating flipping my usual summer routine.


After applying nightly for a few days, my keratosis pilaris diminished and the redness, which has never gone away, also dissipated. So as a logical person, I continued using the Rose hip seed oil and never looked back. If you have mild or red KP I would suggest trying Rose hip seed oil. Nothing has worked better for me including acids, BHA, or other moisturizers. I'm glad to have, finally!, found a cheap and reliable solution which makes me think about the pesky keratosis pilaris on the backs of my arms less.

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