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Power Outfits

Power Outfits

Dressing for the day is transformative. Make the right decisions and your day can be great. The wrong one can make you feel uncomfortable and lack confidence. This week is fashion week/ month and I wanted to focus on clothes and outfits that make me feel powerful and confident. For me, this involves clothes that fit, are comfortable and boots. Always boots. I love the authoritative stomp when walking in stride coupled with clothes that make me feel great. It is the ultimate power move.

Sometimes I like to lean into the business side of business casual even when I don't need to. I've found blazers are a godsend for this. Not necessarily the power shoulders made infamous in the 80's but good structure and fit are key to finding a great blazer. I'm not one to say every woman should have X, Y and Z in their wardrobe but try on a blazer sometime and see if it makes you feel powerful. They are endlessly versatile and can be found at all price points. One of my two favorites the vintage plaid grey blazer, pictured above and below, are both way less expensive than I thought. I didn’t have to compromise to find a blazer I liked let alone loved.

Outfits that make you feel powerful: Vintage Blazer + Everlane White Tee + James Jeans Black Flares + Short black boots + Vintage black belt

Outfits that make you feel powerful: Vintage Blazer + Everlane White Tee + James Jeans Black Flares + Short black boots + Vintage black belt

Another hallmark of getting older and wiser is finding ways to be confident outside of how others want to portray you. Twenty somethings are “supposed” to wear short, tight dresses when they go out and feel sexy. I've never been that girl. Dresses are fun but when they are too short I get uncomfortable and don't feel any amount of sexy. Power dressing isn’t a new concept but it means something different to each individual that expresses it. Everyone should wear what makes them feel comfortable and gives off the image they would like to portray.

I love rocking looks that aren't very revealing but make me feel just as confident. Like this outfit doesn't show very much skin but makes me feel great. Sometimes suit separates can feel powerful instead of confining when you aren't forced to wear them on a daily basis and they aren't made from uncomfortable fabrics. I love every aspect of this outfit separately and together. Most of my favorite outfits are created in the fall because I love layers and boots. Maybe in another life I will live somewhere with real falls and winters to fully enjoy these two seasons to the fullest.

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