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Scarves for Spring

Scarves for Spring

I will tell you a secret. After I posted last year about scarves for spring I didn’t wear any of them again. Until the winter. Here’s the thing about Texas. The weather is fickle. Sometimes, most of the time, it is sunny and pleasant. Then it will rain 3 days in a row and never rain again until September. The weather here is predictably unpredictable except for the summer when you are roasting. So after I did this post last year all about scarves it got hot. Did I want to keep wearing scarves when it was hot? No. So I didn’t.


I rediscovered, one of my favorite things to do, these scarves in my closet during the winter. When it’s cold I like to be covered as much as possible and the scarves helped. For some reason my neck is very sensitive to the cold and needs to be swathed in fabric daily. It may have been smarter to do this post before it started to get warm again but spring is the season of transition so here we are.


Floral scarf from Madewell


This scarf is my favorite. It has the elusive combination of my favorite things, florals, soft texture/ fabric and can be worn multiple ways. This way, pictured below, is my favorite with a tiny, baby knot in the front. If you want to know the method to the madness: fold the scarf in half into a triangle, drape the point side down on the front wrapping the ends around your neck and back to the front then tie in a knot. Feel exceptional. You can also move and manipulate the fabric to look more fashionably disheveled above or below the knot. As always do what you want!

Madewell Floral Scarf

Madewell Floral Scarf


Navy bandanna from Tradlands


Bandannas almost always skew Western. It’s just a fact of life. The way you tie them will either accentuate that or downplay it. For me this way of tying it was the only way I didn’t feel like a bandit. The method for tying this one is pretty easy but I’ll tell you anyway. Fold the scarf in half into a triangle, roll or fold to desired thickness/ width, tie knot in the front.

Tradlands Navy Bandanna and Button Down

Tradlands Navy Bandanna and Button Down


Happy spring! Go forth into the weekend with new scarf tying techniques.

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Album Art Design Challenge with Adobe

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